Explore both ends of Whitehaven Beach, Hill Inletโs swirling sands and enjoy island reef snorkelling at one of the many stunning coral reefs around the Whitsunday Islands on-board Big Fury!
A Fury Ride โ โGet there before the crowdsโ - Snorkel the best reef sites, enjoy Whitehaven Beach, walk to Hill Inlet Lookout, cruise the Whitsunday islands!
Snorkel the best reef sites โ We take you to a superb island reef site where you will enjoy snorkelling amongst 1000โs of tropical fish and beautiful corals in clear waters just minutes from the islands.
Our crew selects the best snorkelling locations depending on weather conditions, endeavouring to get you to the best snorkelling site on the day
Guided Cruise of the Whitsunday Islands โ Our crew provide an informative and entertaining commentary about the many โPicture Postcard Islandsโ we pass along the way!
Whitehaven Beach is renowned as one of the Top 10 Beaches in the World โ no trip to the Whitsundays is complete without a visit to this โbeautiful piece of paradiseโ. Here you will have ample time to enjoy a swim in the crystal clear turquoise waters, feel the pure white silica sand through your toes on this 7km stretch of beach
Half the Fun is getting there and back! Fury cruises past more than 30 tropical islands which make up part of the Whitsunday Islands group. So sit back, enjoy the stunning natural scenery, catch a glimpse of a turtle, dolphin or even a hump back whale and our crew will inform you of the history behind this amazing area
Enjoy a Delicious Mediterranean style buffet picnic lunch on Whitehaven Beach!
Departure: Check-in no later than 9:30AM at Meeting Point B: Coral Sea Marina Northern Village.
Return Time: 5PM
For guests making their own way to the Marina - Meeting Point B is located at the Northern Village of Coral Sea Marina next to the roundabout by the shaded umbrellas.
Day parking at the marina is priced as follows:
Southern Marina Village: $8.00 per day (located 200m from the Northern Village)
Northern Marina Village: $12.00 per day (located next to the check-in area)
Cancellations or date changes are not permitted within 24 hours prior to departure
All prices are shown in AUD ($)
From start to finish, it was full of laughter and fun! Lachy and Luke were incredibly knowledgeable, friendly, and entertaining. The snorkelling was amazing, and the day offered the perfect mix of activities and relaxation on the beach. We were also really impressed with the food spread and felt safe, enjoying every moment of the experience.
Good value for money. On the trip out we saw a load of whales and a huge turtle such a beautiful sight. Then onto Hills inlet where you have a magical view of the reef and great lunch on the white sands of Whitehaven Beach. Definitely recommend this tour.
Thanks for joining us on Big Fury on your recent visit to Airlie Beach and the Whitsundays! Delighted that you all enjoyed the cruise and all of the magical wildlife, marine life, spectacular views and the crew humor during the cruise :) Enjoy the rest of your holidays! All the very best, The Big Fury crew
Beautiful views Boatingโฆterrible all clothes wet (no one recommends wearing waterproof clothing Surprised beautiful lunch And disappointed snorkeling spot
Hi Jan, Thanks for your feedback about your recent Big Fury cruise, whether positive or negative we rely on guests' feedback to improve our cruise and customer service. The date you joined our cruise the weather forecast was 20-25 knot winds, so when travelling on a speedboat with 900hp engines, along with 1.5m sea swells, you are bound to get a bit wet I'm afraid. We are not a ferry, we are adventure boating and some days it's windy and the sea swells are big making it an exhilarating boat ride but the down side is that you may get wet. The boat ride is no more than 1 hour so most guests don't mind. Again it is only when the weather is windy that the boat and guests can get wet, 3/4's of the time the boat ride is smooth and very calm and dry. The snorkeling location is also affected by the weather and sea swells and unfortunately there is little we can do about the quality of visibility when the weather isn't 100%. Glad you liked the Whitsundays though and our buffet lunch :) Enjoy the rest of your travels and hopefully you have nice sunny skies and less wind on your next visit to the Whitsundays :) All the best, The Big Fury crew
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Hi guys, Thanks for your positive feedback about your recent Big Fury cruise to visit the Whitsunday Islands. Unfortunately there is not much we can do about the boat and passengers getting wet when its windy and the sea swells are 2 meters. Most of the time the seas are calm and the boat is dry but you were unlucky with your chosen day of departure. I hope you thawed out and are enjoying sunshine in some other part of Oz :) All the best, The Big Fury crew
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Susan Mcquillan from Australia wrote on 01 October 2024
Fantastic day out
Great crew fantastic view from a look out I have never been to before definately will be coming back